Let’s Get Together!

With so much fear, negativity and scams out there, I want to get back to humanity, the compassion and lifting each other up. It feeds my soul and I function so much better with positivity. So the way I feel I can give back is to share my knowledge with others. I’ve 20 years experience […]

It’s hard to believe that four years ago, ‘End of Crows’ was released to the world. I worked so hard in 2018 & 2019 to build and create a dystopian world that would rival against the top hard-hitters like ‘Divergent’ and ‘Hunger Games’. Stories that I loved and adored. I had no idea then, what […]
Christmas in July Celebration!

I’m super excited for my new Patreon account my oldest daughter created for me. I LOVE meeting my fans and readers, and can’t seem to book enough signings, so this will allow me to meet with readers, faithful and new, and interact with them personally. There are 5 tiers for all levels of affordability, and […]
Loss & Grief

Both of these subjects are not new to me. They are painful reminders of how short our lives truly are and to appreciate every up, down, good, bad moment we have with not only other humans, but the animals who choose to come into them. Last Friday, we lost one of our dogs. Gizmo came […]
Exciting Times!

My book, End of Crows, the first in the Small Sacrifices Series, recently hit #2 on Amazon. To say I was excited is a complete understatement, as I was dancing and crying seeing it finally going out into the big, scary world. As many of us authors fear how our baby will be received by […]
My Life’s Passion: Writing & Riding

I was 3 when I got my first horse. Christmas Eve, it was snowing, Dad said Santa had to deliver his presents to us early. We went to the front door and there was my mother, holding two horses in the dark and snowy evening. I remember that moment like it happened yesterday. It was […]
My Awards Ceremony Experience

I was ready to hang up my writer’s hat. That’s how dismal I saw my future for writing. My reviews have always been great, the feedback fantastic, but my sales were far from double-digits, let alone the seven figure incomes that my fellow author friends were pulling in. My new series, End of Crows-Small Sacrifices, […]
Life’s blessings, big and small

We all have our struggles in life, our up’s and down’s, our in’s and out’s. But how many of us really stop to acknowledge the blessings? I’m not talking about the lottery winner, the day we met the love’s of our life, the day our children were born or the promotion we had been praying […]
Spoil yourself for Valentine’s

I’ve spent many years alone on Valentine’s Day and the past nine with the love of my life. I am truly grateful and feel blessed that I have my husband but I have to be honest, it took me 32 years to find him so I’ve lived through this holiday more often alone than with […]