My Life’s Passion: Writing & Riding

I was 3 when I got my first horse. Christmas Eve, it was snowing, Dad said Santa had to deliver his presents to us early. We went to the front door and there was my mother, holding two horses in the dark and snowy evening. I remember that moment like it happened yesterday. It was a perfect night.

Now I have my own kids, two incredible teenagers who were raised as I was, country life, hard work and animal husbandry. I raised them to respect, appreciate and care for the animals who come into our lives. They grabbed onto that lesson and treat ever living being that way. As the years have passed, word has gotten out on how I treat animals and the sucker I am for our furry family. I’ve rescued many horses and dogs and my heart breaks every time when I have to rehabilitate one that’s been shown an abusive hand. We keep them, nurture them, heal them both physically and emotionally, give them the best possible life that they have left. Their quality of life is the utmost importance.

The past couple of years have been worse. With the prices of gas, groceries and other necessities, people just can’t afford their animals and need to put their family first. I get it, and there’s no blame coming from me. This crazy world has turned upside down and it’s tough to feed your human family, let alone your fur family. So many people have reached out to me to see if I have a spot open for one of their animals. I’ve hated having to turn them away because we just don’t have the space to take them on. This honestly keeps me awake at night.

I’m from a generation who doesn’t ask for help. You figure it out, you take care of it. I’ve decided to ask for the help, to get some of these senior animals a safe, forever home. I recently came across a facility that is not in use but is perfect for both horses and dogs alike. Large grassy areas, fenced and security, shade and sun. Unfortunately, because it hasn’t been used as a business, I can’t get a business loan for it, and I can’t qualify for it as a residential home. I brainstormed every possible idea I could think of and realized that I have my books, my other passion. So, for every book that someone buys, 100% of the proceeds will go to purchase that ranch, and if you feel so inclined to bypass the books and just donate, you can do that too! I’ll keep everyone up on the status of getting the facility and meet the residents. I am hoping to provide quite a few animals the retirement they deserve.

In the meantime, thank you, bless you and may your generosity and compassion come back tenfold.
