Christmas in July Celebration!

I’m super excited for my new Patreon account my oldest daughter created for me. I LOVE meeting my fans and readers, and can’t seem to book enough signings, so this will allow me to meet with readers, faithful and new, and interact with them personally. There are 5 tiers for all levels of affordability, and I think she’s done an amazing job creating it. You can find it here.

I’m also moving all of my books to this website, as Amazon is becoming more and more dishonest with their authors. I’ve experienced a few dishonest practices and when I have requested transparency with them, I have been denied. In a time when corporations are being called out for their dishonest practices, I’m leaving the ship before it sinks. That’s great news for my readers and myself, as I will be able to retain the majority of my royalties from my hard-work and pass on the savings to my readers. I hope to have my library transitioned before the end of July, so keep an eye out for my “Christmas in July” celebration!

I also like the fact that I can share my tricks, talents, creative thoughts, with others. I have a “no hate” zone here and embrace everyone who has a loving soul. I have NO opinions on how a person should live, as long as it doesn’t hurt another. Simple Pimple. I’d like to expand my posts to beyond just writing, but I’ll wait to hear feedback from you, my online friend, fan, reader, supporter. If you want me to stick to just books (just the books, ma’am, just the books) I will. If you wouldn’t mind if I share some life lessons (like how to make homemade cola, how I lost 4 dress sizes in 4 months without dieting, pills, exercise), I will. Just let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you, hopefully meeting you in person via Patreon and you can always send me a message! Much love and blessings!
