Life’s blessings, big and small

We all have our struggles in life, our up’s and down’s, our in’s and out’s. But how many of us really stop to acknowledge the blessings? I’m not talking about the lottery winner, the day we met the love’s of our life, the day our children were born or the promotion we had been praying for. I’m talking about the small ones that tend to get overlooked, the ones that happen to us everyday. I’m here to admit I have lost sight of my little blessings but was greatly reminded of them today.

I have been so busy with my daughter’s upcoming surgery, getting my lesson plans done for my sub, getting our household packed for our upcoming move while keeping up with the daily things in life. Money has been oh, so very tight, with medical bills, prescriptions, deposits, and I just couldn’t understand why my family and I were struggling so hard when there were so many others that seemed to be doing just fine. I’ve always tried to live a positive, loving and when we could, giving life so why the hardships going on right now? Why? Why? Why?

I’ve worried about never becoming a best-seller, never becoming financially wealthy, never having one of my books made into a movie. Never during this time was I ever just silent. I kept asking questions but was never still enough to listen to the answer and it was right there, glaring back at me. I’ve been worrying about the wrong things in my life. Would it really matter if I was a best seller if I didn’t have my family? Would I enjoy my book being made into a movie if I didn’t have my friends to share it with? No, I honestly wouldn’t. And this past week has shown me how rich I am, how blessed. I have had so many of my friends offer to help us move when the time comes. My husband, though he is working outrageous hours, has been helping me clean the house, cook suppers and pack the house. My girls come up to me, hug me and tell me that they love me so much that they could never imagine having a better mom. As my daughter has told me, it’s better to fill someone’s good feeling bucket because it will come back around and fill your bucket. My amazing friends on Facebook and the Master Koda group has filled my bucket and though I have not had very much time to spend with them, they tell me that they think of me and praying for my daughter before her surgery.

I apologize for the ramblings and all over the place but once I stopped and was silent, the blessings in my life appeared everywhere and I guess that’s just what I am trying to share with you today. If you don’t see anything amazing in your life right now, be silent, be still and hopefully they will become as apparent as they had for me.

I will be out for a while, taking care of my Ashlie but be good to yourselves and to others and remember, life is meant to be fun, enjoy the journey!
