Small Sacrifices Did It Again!

Results were released this morning and the second book in the Small Sacrifices Series, Flight of Sparrows, won the silver medal in the Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards! Last year, the first book, End of Crows, won the gold. The timing couldn’t be more perfect, as the 5th book, Gathering of Corvids, is set to […]
Exciting Times!

My book, End of Crows, the first in the Small Sacrifices Series, recently hit #2 on Amazon. To say I was excited is a complete understatement, as I was dancing and crying seeing it finally going out into the big, scary world. As many of us authors fear how our baby will be received by […]
My Life’s Passion: Writing & Riding

I was 3 when I got my first horse. Christmas Eve, it was snowing, Dad said Santa had to deliver his presents to us early. We went to the front door and there was my mother, holding two horses in the dark and snowy evening. I remember that moment like it happened yesterday. It was […]
My Awards Ceremony Experience

I was ready to hang up my writer’s hat. That’s how dismal I saw my future for writing. My reviews have always been great, the feedback fantastic, but my sales were far from double-digits, let alone the seven figure incomes that my fellow author friends were pulling in. My new series, End of Crows-Small Sacrifices, […]