My Awards Ceremony Experience

I was ready to hang up my writer’s hat. That’s how dismal I saw my future for writing. My reviews have always been great, the feedback fantastic, but my sales were far from double-digits, let alone the seven figure incomes that my fellow author friends were pulling in. My new series, End of Crows-Small Sacrifices, […]
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…

In celebration of winning the gold at the Reader’s Favorite International book awards, from now until December 31st, 2022, we will randomly choose ONE shopper/fan/reader who purchases a signed 4 book set of End of Crows and reimburse them their purchase. We will also choose ONE shopper/fan/reader who will receive the FIRST print copy of […]
Life’s blessings, big and small

We all have our struggles in life, our up’s and down’s, our in’s and out’s. But how many of us really stop to acknowledge the blessings? I’m not talking about the lottery winner, the day we met the love’s of our life, the day our children were born or the promotion we had been praying […]
Spoil yourself for Valentine’s

I’ve spent many years alone on Valentine’s Day and the past nine with the love of my life. I am truly grateful and feel blessed that I have my husband but I have to be honest, it took me 32 years to find him so I’ve lived through this holiday more often alone than with […]